While this has been one of strangest years between lockdowns and restrictions I am certainly looking forward to Christmas.
I am grateful that I have been able to continue to teach through an online platform and keep bringing the gift of Yoga to so many direct into their homes, where otherwise they may have felt unmotivated to get on the mat. It has been a pleasure to be able to provide and online community and also be able to continue to grow personally while doing it.
This week is the week where I finish teaching and take some downtime for myself over the holiday period. The coming two weeks is where I will reflect on the year that has just passed and look back not only on a year of strange and uncertain times but one of huge personal achievements. I managed to teach on an online platform live, something I never thought would be remotely possible, not very techie okay with basic platforms but camera's, lighting and microphone's not my gig, tick success. I also continued my yoga education and now have achieve my RYS500 Yoga Alliance Teacher Training with the amazing Tara O'Neil, tick success.
It is nice to reflect and look back on the achievements of the year but also to look forward and what the next steps are to come. Keep watching this space as new things are on the horizon....
I would like to take this time to thank everyone who joined me in a class or mediation session and I wish you a happy and safe Christmas and look forward to a whole lot more come 2021.